2013年11月25日 星期一

健康資訊學 (Health Informatics)

  1. 處理如何最佳使用資訊去改善保健的科學。
  2. 它結合資訊科技和健康領域去幫助發展為了管制資訊的擴展、進展門診工作流、和改善健保系統安全性所需要的系統。
  3. 一個資訊科學、電腦科學、和保健的交叉知識領域。
  4. 健康資訊學的整體目標是去幫助和改善資訊的組織及管理而得因此改善為著病人照護的整體品質。
  5. 對高品質與有成本效益保健規畫和遞送的資訊管理科技 (IM&T)之有系統的應用。

Health care informatics:The science that addresses how best to use information to improve health care.
  1. Improving the quality of patient care (2005)
  2. Increasing productivity (2005)
  3. Providing access to knowledge (2005)
Health care informatics:The science that addresses how best to use information to improve health care.
  1. Ensuring the high quality of patient care. (2005)
  2. Increasing administrative and individual worker productivity (2005)
  3. Facilitating better, easier, and faster communication among patients, payers, and health care providers.(2005)
  1. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
  2. International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI)
  3. Health Informatics Journal (HIJ)
Health informatics has emerged as a new field to provide the high-quality of care of patients, harness mass increase of information, and improve administrative and professional productivity. Following the advancement of information and communications technology, people equipped with knowledge and skills concerning a health system, computer science, and health information systems-related topics are desperately required in the flourishing field for the issue of cost. The issue of training and hiring of related personnel can be optimized in anticipation through the assistance of information technology which can be involved in structure of applications of health informatics. Hence, how to best manage human resources in comprehensive aspects via applications of health informatics is worth discussing and studying.

  1. A. C. Norris (2002). Current trends and challenges in health informatics. Health Informatics Journal. 8, 205-213.
  2. Health informatics (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_informatics
  3. Peter A. Bath. (2008). Health informatics: current issues and challenges. Journal of Information Science. 34, 501-518.
  4. Ross M. Mullner, Kyusuk Chung (2005). Current Issues in Health Care Informatics. Journal of Medical Systems. 30, 1-2.
  5. Stéfane Kabene (2010). Human Resources in Healthcare, Health Informatics and Healthcare Systems. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  6. wiseGEEK (n.d.). What Is Healthcare Informatics? Retrieved November 25, 2013, from http://www.wisegeek.org/

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